Among other economic measures, article 46 of this Royal Decree Law establishes a limitation with respect to the maximum increase in the updating of rents for housing leases during the period from March 31 to June 30, 2022.

This standard is applicable:

In housing contracts subject to the LAU of 1994.
And that the rent must be updated within the period from March 31 to June 30, 2022.

Mandatory conditions according to article 46 of the Royal Decree Law:

It distinguishes between when the owner/lessor is a LARGE HOLDER (NATURAL OR LEGAL PERSON who owns more than 10 urban properties for residential use or a constructed area of ​​more than 1,500 m² for residential use, excluding garages and storage rooms) and when the owner/lessor DOES NOT IS GREAT FORK (the rest).

BIG OWNERS (more than 10 properties)

– Upgrade Increment:

The one agreed by the parties, but CANNOT EXCEED 2%

LIMIT: Result of applying the IGC (General Competitiveness Index on the update date, taking the last published index as the reference month).

The parties may agree to an update of less than 2%, but not more than 2%.

(The IGC, as long as the average inflation target in the euro zone is considered to be 2%, can only be used between 0 and 2%, not below or above.)

If nothing is agreed, 2% will be applied

– Upgrade Increment:

The one agreed upon by the parties: The parties may agree on the update based on the published IPC, without the maximum limit of 2%.
If there is no agreement: A maximum of 2% will be applied.

– Effects of the rule:

It does not have retroactive effects.

It is only applicable for rents that have to be updated during the period between March 31 and June 30 202

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  rent should be.  You can also call us or     at  +34 692112284

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